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Published: 27.04.2024 / Updated: 21.01.2025
The SMRI takes position on legal developments at all levels of the Federal State if it expects to make a positive difference in favour of human rights. A typical way of taking a stand in Switzerland is to participate in consultation procedures. The SMRI therefore participates in such procedures in selected cases.
Klimaseniorinnen: Switzerland alleges its climate policy is sufficient, the SHRI (respectfully) disagrees
21 January 2025
Following the Klimaseniorinnen ruling in April 2024, Switzerland alleged it has fulfilled its human rights obligation to fight climate change. The SHRI, on the other hand, contends that Switzerland’s planned actions are insufficient and too vague. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will decide in March.
Consultation response KJFV
29 March 2024
Response to the consultation on the amendment of the Ordinance on the Promotion of Extracurricular Work with Children and Young People (KJFV) as part of the implementation of the Noser motion 19.3633.
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